Monday 21 July 2008

Birth name
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso
October 25, 1881(1881-10-25)Málaga, Spain
8 April 1973 (aged 91)Mougins, France
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Printmaking, Ceramics
Jose Ruíz (father), Academy of Arts, Madrid
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907)Guernica (1937) The Weeping Woman (1937)
Picasso was baptized Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Clito, a series of names honouring various saints and relatives. Added to these were Ruiz and Picasso, for his father and mother, respectively, as per Spanish custom. Born in the city of
Málaga in the Andalusian region of Spain, he was the first child of Don José Ruiz y Blasco (1838–1913) and María Picasso y López. Picasso’s family was middle-class; his father was also a painter who specialized in naturalistic depictions of birds and other game. For most of his life Ruiz was a professor of art at the School of Crafts and a curator of a local museum. Ruiz’s ancestors were minor aristocrats
The young Picasso showed a passion and a skill for drawing from an early age; according to his mother, his first words were “piz, piz”, a shortening of lápiz, the Spanish word for ‘pencil’.
[1] From the age of seven, Picasso received formal artistic training from his father in figure drawing and oil painting. Ruiz was a traditional, academic artist and instructor who believed that proper training required disciplined copying of the masters, and drawing the human body from plaster casts and live models. His son became preoccupied with art to the detriment of his classwork.
The family moved to
La Coruña in 1891 so his father could become a professor at the School of Fine Arts. They stayed almost four years. On one occasion the father found his son painting over his unfinished sketch of a pigeon. Observing the precision of his son’s technique, Ruiz felt that the thirteen-year-old Picasso had surpassed him, and vowed to give up painting.[2]
In 1895, Picasso's seven-year old sister, Conchita, died of diphtheria - a traumatic event in his life.[3]After her death, the family moved to Barcelona, with Ruiz transferring to its School of Fine Arts. Picasso thrived in the city, regarding it in times of sadness or nostalgia as his true home.[4] Ruiz persuaded the officials at the academy to allow his son to take an entrance exam for the advanced class. This process often took students a month, but Picasso completed it in a week, and the impressed jury admitted Picasso, who was still 13. The student lacked discipline but made friendships that would affect him in later life. His father rented him a small room close to home so Picasso could work alone, yet Ruiz checked up on him numerous times a day, judging his son’s drawings. The two argued frequently.
Picasso’s father and uncle decided to send the young artist to Madrid’s
Royal Academy of San Fernando, the foremost art school in the country.[4] In 1897, Picasso, age 16, set off for the first time on his own. Yet his difficulties accepting formal instruction led him to stop attending class soon after enrollment. Madrid, however, held many other attractions: the Prado housed paintings by the venerable Diego Velázquez, Francisco Goya, and Francisco Zurbarán. Picasso especially admired the works of El Greco; their elements, like elongated limbs, arresting colors, and mystical visages, are echoed in Picasso’s œuvre.
hi guys!

this weekend it has been my birthday!!!And may be the best part of the weekend was the disco when edgar asked for a song of happy birthday for my and all spanish guys rose me on air while everybody sang the happy birthday

next day we had activities starting with atletics and then I had tennis,I play nearly one hour and a half with marc and I won 6-O.but he is much better than me.

Friday 18 July 2008


yesterday we went to london in a excursion to somewhere I don't remeber and to a big ship.

in the place I don't remember we saw some monuments in memory of death people.
then we when to starbuks where I had to wait a lot because of the long queue.

later we went to the hms belfast which is a very big old ship that has become a museum
there were lot's of plastic figures tha loocks real and made LUIS get scared lot's of times

in the bus some of us sleep.... but other didn't coments about that...
and tomorrow is my birthday in oxford street!!!

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Hello guys!!we have had classe like every day and I 'm tired because of the long weekendon friday we had assembly and I had to act as a werewolf ... I've never been as ridiculous as that night.

There were other perfomaces like Romeo and Juliet and star student awardOn Saturday we went to cambridge and We went shopping I bought a sweeter and a pair of trainers

On afternoon we went to the disco where we danced until 11 but edgar dances with every girl who danced but not with the one he love... ok let see if something happen

On sunday we have activities all day and we finishes very tired...

Today we are going to the cinema: kun-fu panda.

Friday 11 July 2008

hello guys AND GAYS!!
I arrived at Queenswood on sunday and I have a lot of friends ...
luisTO0Oo,bogord0,fulas, rabo de toro, chiquilin, edgar, rafa, gon, pablOo...we are having a good time!!

On Monday we had classes with mary and we started my drama was very funny because of my mistakes (dinosaur in a ZOO)....on the afternoon we had tenis and of course Luis and me won.

On tuesday we went to bowling it was nice and we laughed of ignacio had 10 points. I won!!.

on thursday we went to the tower of london and and we make a recod with the man with big hat!! XD it was really funny if a could I will put it here
pablo remember IT'S TO LATE TO APOLO-GIZE
nothing more to the moment